We have finally installed our new information sign in the Gilberton Woodland, our large dispensing sign on the Wildflower Walk (pictured) and one of the 2 smaller directional  signs also on the Wildflower Walk.

Pink Fairy Orchids donated to Borthwick Park

At our Gilberton Open Day on Saturday 28th August 2016, Andrew from the Kensington Residents Association, accepted our donation of a clump of Pink Fairies orchids to be transplanted to Borthwick Park, to help with their reintroduction of the Pink Fairies there.

Community Orchid-viewing Morning Tea at Gilberton

Pink Fairy Orchids Gilberton

Special Invitation to  Community  Orchid  Viewing & Morning Tea         10am – noon   Saturday 27th August  2016     at the Gilberton Woodland & Grassland  (on Gilbert Street, Gilberton:  just east of the O’Bahn bridge) Local Residents and Friends of Gilberton Woodland are invited to a Community Morning Tea to celebrate our amazing […]

Rescued Native Orchids planted at Gilberton

On 4.8.15,  in the Gilberton Woodland,  Ann, Catherine & Heather carefully planted out 11 pots of native orchids rescued from Kangaroo Creek Reservoir . Thanks mostly to Ann and Cathryn’s good efforts, we were very pleased at how well the orchids looked after planting, 

The pretty Desert Cassia shrub (Senna artemisioides) is flowering early this year at Gilberton

Although my reference books say that this beautiful shrub flowers in spring, this year they are definitely flowering in mid-winter at both Gilberton where this photo was taken, and on the Wildflower Walk at Vale Park.

Can you see the grasshopper?

Can you see the Slant-faced Grasshopper? On our 6th March working bee Rachel found this Slant Faced Grasshopper, despite it being excellently camouflaged.

Pink Fairies return to Gilberton!

Pink Fairy Orchids Gilberton

In the Gilberton Grassy Woodland, where we planted 2 Pink Fairy orchids (Caladenia latifolia) in 2010, we now have over 200 plants (all grown on site from seed) with 60 flower spikes!   The Pink Fairies are returning!

Successful weeding at Gilberton helps orchids spread

On 10th September 2013, a Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) team helped VPOP remove 2-3,000 litres of weeds from the Gilberton Grassy Woodland (GGW). Thanks for the great effort Ping, Diana and Graham! Unfortunately as well as wildflower season, now is also weed season. Although the triangular section where the Pink Fairies orchids (Caladenia latifolia) are  germinating […]