Successful weeding at Gilberton helps orchids spread

On 10th September 2013, a Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) team helped VPOP remove 2-3,000 litres of weeds from the Gilberton Grassy Woodland (GGW). Thanks for the great effort Ping, Diana and Graham!

Unfortunately as well as wildflower season, now is also weed season. Although the triangular section where the Pink Fairies orchids (Caladenia latifolia) are  germinating is relatively weed free (and looking lovely!), we needed help with the rest of the GGW .  At this time of year, most weeds seem to double in size each week!

We are grateful for  DEWNR (Department of Environment, Water & Natural Resources) funding the CVA team, and in particular, Kat Hill (our Volunteer Support Officer) for organising the team.

On the day, we not only cleared the weeds, we also opened up areas for the the Pink Fairies germinate in next year, when our current 60 flower spikes all set seed and grow.  In 2 year’s time, the Pink Fairy carpet in the first week of September may cover the whole GGW area!  That would be something to see.  We also planted about 45 lilies and grasses.

Rachel is interested in ‘adopting’ this area of VPOP and promoting

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